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Sara Palin

The scariest fucking idea anyone has ever come up with.

GOP 1: "How can we get this armageddon thing moving?"

GOP 2: "We need a president that is dumber than Bush, but has more conviction to the bible; someone who believes that the dinosaurs walked the earth 4,000 years ago, and who has super human eyesight as to see Russia from Alaska."

GOP 1: "Bingo, I got it! Sara Palin!"

GOP 2: "Brilliant!"

by 8088Y80M8 December 30, 2011

36👍 7👎

mormon stall

1. The time between when a mormon approches you, and finally leaves you alone. Could be anywhere from a minute to 15 minutes depending on how badly they want to get laid.

2. A great excuse for being late.

Boss: "John why are you late for work?"

John: "Sorry boss, I had a mormon stall."

Boss: "Fuck man I'm sorry, I hate when that shit happens!"

by 8088Y80M8 December 30, 2011

4👍 1👎

jesus fucks

Like jesus freaks.

"Already being late for work this morning, I encountered one of those jesus fucks and it stalled me an additional 5 minutes!"

by 8088Y80M8 December 30, 2011

18👍 10👎