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when the gods say yeet the child and you go with it

Guy 1(an idiot): please don't yeet my child he's my only son
Guy 2 : sacrifices must be made

by 99coronasonawall March 17, 2020

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

march 16

When she say she wanna smash, but you look up her address and she moved to Ohio

Guy 1: hey where did Girl go?
Guy 2: she totally March 16th me

by 99coronasonawall March 17, 2020


Lube, if you're not a coward

Guy 1: did you bring the lube?
Guy 2: I brought something better *takes out peanut butter and jelly sandwich*
Guy 1: this is why we're compatible

by 99coronasonawall March 17, 2020


anything that's purple

Guy 1: hey what color is that crayon
Guy 2: grape

by 99coronasonawall March 17, 2020

Happy yesterbirth

What you say to someone when it was their birthday yesterday but you forgot to wish them a happy birthday on the actual day

Guy 1: Happy yesterbirth, man!
Guy 5: If I had to kill either you or a ladybug, I wouldn't be able to decide

by 99coronasonawall June 2, 2020


flavorless soup

Guy 3: my mom's soup is delicious
Guy 1: hell no it's just water

by 99coronasonawall March 17, 2020

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The opposite of enjoy

Guy 1: Hey, you enjoying at this party?
Guy 2 (sober): Nah man, I be complaining

by 99coronasonawall March 17, 2020