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dead beat dad!

A man who has children that he does not support financially, emotionally, physically or otherwise.This condition is exaserbated by continuing to procreate , thus producing MORE offspring that he cannot afford { since he apparently cannot pay for the ones he already has.} Also known as Bobby Bastardseed.

Bob is a dead beat dad!Bob has 3 children from his previous marriage, he does not pay child support, claiming poverty. HOWEVER he just had his second child with his new wife, the wife that USED to be the sitter for the first wifes children.Bob is trying to terminate his rights to his first set of children so he can support his new children.

by A.J.Kilgus May 7, 2006

63👍 54👎

bobby bastardseed

A man who has children with several women that he does not support, legitimize , or accept responsibility for in anyway.

Bob does not support his children but continues to be a Bobby Bastardseed and spread his semen around the world.Thus creating more bastard children.

by A.J.Kilgus May 7, 2006

18👍 3👎