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Talking Through Your Arse

This is slang from the UK although it is used in Australia as well and can be used in number ways:
1 To make a foolish statement;
2 To talk nonsense or rubbish;
3 To say something which is quite obviously false;
4 To exaggerate your abilities or knowledge of a subject;
5 To bluff or boast about something;
6 To be a self-aggrandising twat;

“Malcolm just tried out a total load of bollocks on me; I told him straight, you’re talking through your arse.”

by AKACroatalin September 13, 2016

188👍 1👎


Something that fascinates most men; it’s found in pairs on females and is another name for a breast, boob or tit. Although it can be used in the singular form it is usually used in the plural, Charlies.

“Miranda’s lopsided, she’s got on Charlie bigger than the other!”

by AKACroatalin February 20, 2017

135👍 86👎

Unfortunate Acronym

An unfortunate Acronym is an acronym for an organisation or person that results in a word that is rude, disgusting or totally inappropriate. A typical example would be the Country and Urban Nature Trail Society which was intended to promote pleasant nature walks in both the town and countryside. It never got off the ground because the acronym was CUNTS. Another British example is Radical Alternatives to Prison, a bunch of bleeding hearts who want to abolish prisons. They were originally going to be called Completely Radical Alternatives to Prison – CRAP, but decided against this, perhaps it was too close to the truth about their ideas.
One unfortunate acronym which is still currently used is TWAT which stands for The War Against Terrorism, while from the United States comes FLOTUS which identifies the President’s wife and stands for First Lady Of The United States. It’s an unfortunate acronym in that it sounds as if it is something unpleasant lurking in a toilet bowl. I suppose they could try removing some of the unimportant letters, but FLOUS and FLUS don’t sound much better.

“Is it true that Nicola Sturgeon, leader of the Scottish Nationalist Party, is going to set up a new organisation, Scottish Nationalists Opposed to Tories?”
“SNOT! There’s an unfortunate acronym!”

by AKACroatalin May 20, 2015

1465👍 126👎

Jail Bait

A female who is under the age of consent but who dresses, acts and appears as if she is over the age of consent and who does nothing to correct that impression when she is bedded.

"Keep away from that, it's jail bait."

by AKACroatalin April 4, 2015

1363👍 107👎


It’s an acronym standing for Back Of Hand On Forehead. It goes back to the early silent movies where melodrama was the order of the day and the back of the hand on the forehead was used to indicate distress. Now, however, it is applied to those people, male or female, who are complete drama queens and who treat a small setback or minor difficulty as if it was the end of the world. In short, it is the epitome of overdramatic exaggeration.

That wanker is having a BOHOF moment because the canteen ran out of chocolate donuts.
What a complete Malcolm.

by AKACroatalin February 14, 2017

Ey up me duck

A friendly greeting, often used in Nottinghamshire, which can leave people not from the Midlands a bit puzzled the first time they hear it.

“Ey up me duck, y’alreet?” (Hello, are you well?)
“Aye, grand. Y’rsel’?” (Yes, I’m fine. How are you?)

by AKACroatalin May 29, 2015

617👍 11👎


British slang, usually used as “on the razzle”, or sometimes “on the razz”, meaning to be out celebrating with friends and drinking freely. Originally this was Royal Navy slang meaning going out to get pissed usually by doing a pub crawl and ending up having sex with a pavement fairy.

We’ve got a weekend leave in Portsmouth and we’re out on the razzle tonight.

by AKACroatalin December 2, 2016

152👍 1👎