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level capped

A group of friendly, calm and collected Dungeon Boss players who are extremely knowledgeable about and committed to the game. From the outside, they appear to be able to achieve near impossible feats, which leads some to inaccurately think they have some kind of unfair advantage.

However, those chosen few who have had the opportunity to pass through their fabled gates quickly realize it’s just old fashion smarts, elbow grease and a heck of a lot of coordination, planning and solid communication.

Level Capped? Yeah, I know them. When people don’t know what’s going on in there they speculate, when they think they know, they fabricate, and when they do know they hate and at the same time try to emulate.

by ANoobBot April 11, 2017

73👍 4👎

the underworld

A group of insecure Dungeon Boss players who are knowledgeable about their leaders', Anubis and ExtremeDRodd, botting software and their leaders efforts and plans to add PvP botting functionality to it. Typical behavior and characteristics include:

(a) acting as if their botting software hasn’t been repeatedly and openly discussed in their guild chat,

(b) contradicting themselves regarding the existence of said software, the PvP plans and capabilities of said software and the number of guild members who use it,

(c) attacking anyone who says anything that they themselves know is truthful about their botting software,

(d) generating as much hateful fake news as possible directed at other guilds and their members in order to distract the community from their indiscretions,

(e) being terribly bias and inaccurate at drawing conclusions from statistical “proof” and supporting "math", and
(f) complaining about and demanding justice for a double standard when it has, in fact, been applied in their favor.

Remember the underworld? You know; that guild that fizzled out early 2017.

by ANoobBot April 11, 2017

118👍 3👎