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Were what the Germans called the Canadian army Shock Troopers. No one is 100% sure why the Germans called these Canadians Stormtroopers. However it is believed because the Canadian troops were known for Hitting Hard and Precise.

This is also supported by the fact that the Canadian troopers found a way through the German Gasses ("Kept pushing on").

The Germans later used the name "Stormtrooper" for their own Elite soldiers in WW2.

In WW1 the Canadians were known as "Stormtroopers of the British Empire".

by A_Godly_Canuck January 3, 2012

70👍 20👎

stealth boomer

A Stealth Boomer, is a Gen X who follows Boomer beliefs closely. Yet because they are GenX they have flown under the radar of Social Media and Politics. UNLIKE Boomers, Millenials and Gen Z.

M: You notice how they never talk about Gen X?
F: Ah, Yes. The Stealth Boomers.
B: So weird...

by A_Godly_Canuck February 16, 2021

1👍 1👎

Toke a Bloke

The Act of "Toking a Bloke" Refers to, Smoking a Fag.

The fag will drop his pants leaving his swollen member ready for "Toking".

or if you still don't get it...


Droseff: "This American Beer tastes like Watered down Ant Piss".
Bro: "No way!, American Beer is the shit!".
Broseff: "Oh go toke a bloke".

by A_Godly_Canuck April 12, 2012