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This is when you read something and you pronounce it to yourself in your head - and you think about how your lips would move if you did say it.

Sometimes when reading subvocalization occurs and sometimes it can make you read slower.

When I was in class the other day, many profanities happened in my subvocalization.

by Adel7 November 29, 2007


Sexy - when talking about a girl.

Jim: "Man, I'm thinking of dropping my Psychology class. The teacher is too distracting."

Martin: "Huh? Why?"

Jim: "She's just so.... shepamster!"

by Adel7 August 23, 2007

webbed feet

Someone who was born in New Orleans. Called so because this person has gotten accustommed to getting wet, wading through flooded streets, and playing in the rain.

Born in the Crescent City, I soon got webbed feet and learned to love this city below sea level.

by Adel7 December 4, 2007

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The Union - aka the USA.

Abraham Lincoln did a lot as the head of this unizzle.

by Adel7 December 1, 2007


When playing Super Mario, wasting time jumping on goombas and dancing around, then running frantically at the end to speed through the level to finish before time runs out.

Dude, I feel like such a loser, I've mastered how to mariocrastinate. I even memorized the times you need get from one portal to the next.

by Adel7 November 30, 2007


Maybe not. From egyptian arabic word 'balaash' meaning "it's better not to."

Should I ask that old guy for directions?

Naaa, balaash, the guy looks a bit cooky. Ask that young guy over there.

by Adel7 March 28, 2009


A female horse that is used mainly for breeding.

Looks like that stallion over there is ready again - and I think that broodmare is ready too, so let the horsies do their thing.

by Adel7 December 2, 2007

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