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1. Description of something or someone that is elaborately decorated, but the purpose is for nothing more than to look gaudy, cheap, or slutty.

2. An insulting compliment to a promiscuous or ambiguous person on their style of dress or attitude.

3. Anything reminscent of Babylon or the Tower or Babel.

Ex1. Michelle thinks her babulent tastes reflect Lady Gaga. Nothing is further from the truth!

Ex2. Terry just completed his fall wardrobe at Abercrombie & Fitch. He will look absolutely babulent scoring a senior level position this year.

Ex3. My professor just gave us our midterm project; it was nothing less than babulent.

by Aijalon August 7, 2010

2👍 1👎


To project an educated guess on someone's behavior based on a self-centric point of view.

Mack: You just gonna jack it up...I've been there.

Sam: I'm not you. Keep your predictile opinion to yourself.

by Aijalon August 24, 2010

crawl up out some cheese

(1) to obtain clarity of thought or extemporaneous enlightenment, (2) to experience ease of difficulty, (3) to leave an arduous state of mind or being.

I had to crawl up out some cheese on this paper on Shakespeare and Chaucer.

My team crawled up out some cheese with a tie-breaking score.

I find myself crawling up out some cheese on Fridays and Sundays when I can relax.

by Aijalon January 12, 2013

Licensed Public Accountant

Licensed Public Accountant (LPA) - an individual admitted to practice public accounting by their state board of Accountancy. LPA's pass an exam as prescribed by the state board, having acquired an associates or bachelor's degree, and have some experience in public accounting. In some states, LPAs have the same practice rights as CPAs - including licensure to perform attestation (audit and review) engagements. Alternatively, LPAs are also known by the Registered Public Accountant (RPA) or Public Accountant (PA) monikers.

1. I caught up with Dillon at the board-sponsored CPE event; he's a Licensed Public Accountant.
2. Did you know that some LPA's have authority to perform public audits?
3. In certain states, LPAs have the same practice rights as Certified Public Accountants (CPAs).

by Aijalon June 8, 2013


State of being where there is total and utter confusion

An extremely messy house where only the occupant can sufficiently function

Total spiritual, health, or financial ruin

1. There are too many irons in the fire for getting our country out of the recession; such garbabel cannot be good for long.

2. I'm not going to John's house - it's such a garbabel over there.

3. Sam's unfortunate Job-like luck has put him in such a garbabel

by Aijalon August 28, 2010