Source Code


talk to you tomorrow!


by AkumaGouki October 17, 2004

323👍 294👎


THE SOFTEST RAP GROUP EVERRRR mainly because of their lame beats which consist of screaming children in the background

dipset be some soft ass pplz yo

by AkumaGouki December 23, 2004

47👍 181👎

nolia clap

when a chick slaps her ass cheeks together

an she doin the nolia clap without usin' her hands.
Do It - Ying Yang Twins

by AkumaGouki December 6, 2004

90👍 54👎


think of an engine as a giant air pump. It gobbles up air from the atmosphere and dumps it into six cylinders. Inside each cylinder, the air is mixed with fuel that is sprayed in by the fuel injectors. The spark plug ignites, causing a small but powerful explosion. This explosion rapidly expands the air that is inside the cylinder, forcing the piston upwards. The piston is connected to the connecting rod which turns the crankshaft. The crankshaft spins and is connected to the transmission, driveshaft, rear differential, and finally, the rear axle and wheels.

my car has an engine

by AkumaGouki November 23, 2004

102👍 44👎


to spit using the salivary glands under the tounge

i gleeked in jasons face yesterday and he didnt even notice.

by AkumaGouki May 10, 2004

837👍 468👎

script kiddy

a person (usually a kid) who downloads their hack programs, and then uses the program to hack others. also, noobs who dont know how to write their own viruses. thus being awarded the insulting name of script kiddy.

that script kiddy tried to hax me with some guys program.

by AkumaGouki May 4, 2004

320👍 61👎

Blow it out your ass

basically means fuck you. one of the few examples where a shorter meaning is replaced with a larger phrase.

If you mad I'm on top, then wish me gone
If you mad I'm on the road, then wish me home
And if you mad that I'm right, punk wish me wrong
But after your three wishes...- BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS!

by AkumaGouki May 13, 2004

582👍 189👎