Source Code

head up

To fight someone 1 on 1 with no one else getting involved

Yo you got beef? Lets head up

by Al-B April 7, 2006

168👍 67👎


Something used to stab,jig,poke, shank with.

Yo' I seen him pull the "jigga" out and put it to the kids face!

by Al-B December 5, 2005

21👍 87👎


same definition,a greeting/call but it originally originated in Yonkers. New York

Yerro! Screaming to someone, Getting their attention, or being ackknowledged

by Al-B May 27, 2005

129👍 40👎


To be drunk, or booted, Zoned out, due to drinks/drugs

After taking shots of the Yak I felt "Clashes".

by Al-B January 19, 2006

13👍 12👎