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uf+lp+rp in tekken 3.

listed under "unblockable moves."
dis is da real shit if youz a heavencrushr.

Tre: Did y'all see De'Andrignatius pull that deathcopter shit last nite?

Quint: Naw, but i heard it was some heavencrushr shit.

Tre: yeah but then Rodrigo whipped out that moonsault slayer and errbody was like WHAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!

by AldeyRAY January 24, 2010


adjective: flaccid. limp, of a penis.

when yo jonky is not doin its thang right, its wonky.

i was gonna hit this nice m&m sesh with that trick monica, but then monique walked in and mah jonky went all wonky.

by AldeyRAY January 24, 2010

2👍 7👎


noun: colloq. for tomorrow. Orig. Spanish.

Zach: yo what are you doing Maña?

Joe: well i had a hot m&m with that slam piece Monica yesties. ill try and skej another m&m Maña.

by AldeyRAY January 24, 2010


adjective: 1. abrrevaition for colloquial. it means cool peope use that word, trick!

2. a adjective that bitch-ass squares use alla time on UD when im tryna get mah dick sucked.

3. somethin that mark-ass tricks, trick-ass hoes, slam pieces, chickenheads, ho-ass marks, and skankalanks scream when they ridin mah jonky.

yo ass is colloq., dawg.

damn, that trick monica was yellin colloq. while we was watchin supercats an im just tryna futher or maybe fix this wonky jonky that i got

by AldeyRAY January 24, 2010

8👍 4👎

moonsault slayer


Only the heavenliest of heavencrushrs can even attempt this move. hardcore shit.

De'Andrignatius: damn, rodrigo got me with that moonsault slayer yesties.

by AldeyRAY January 24, 2010


noun: 1. the act of foreplay prior to sexual intercourse. anything involving oral sex is generally referred to as extreme futhering, esp. the type of shit you do with a slam piece before you get diggity down.

2. something that heavencrushrs rarely attempt or are invited to.

verb: to futher. to perform the act of futhering.

so i was at this party and got to futhering with this hotass slam piece.

bro, nice.

by AldeyRAY January 24, 2010

7👍 1👎


noun: colloq. for "mutual masturbation."

its when you rly tryna get diggity down but not rly tryna get dat herp.

man that girl has herpes simplex. not rly tryna extreme futher with her.

you could just skej an m&m sesh with that ho.

by AldeyRAY January 24, 2010

7👍 16👎