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comment rollover

The phenomenon where the same comments start being posted by different commenters regarding an article or Facebook item because new posters haven't bothered to read all of the other posts or did not "view all comment."

Tim: That's the third person who has posted that they now have that song in their head regarding that link about Vanilla Ice on my Facebook wall.

Dan: They must not be clicking the "view all comments" link so now you're getting comment rollover.

by Alfetta159 December 11, 2009

5👍 2👎


Dusting furniture typically with a furniture polish applied with an aeresol can.

Mom and Dad are coming up for Mother's day, so I need to get Pledging this place.

by Alfetta159 September 9, 2010

17👍 26👎

Dorito effect

The shaking, jerking illusion created by chewing on a crunchy food like corn or tortilla chips while watching an analog (NTSC) television.

That scene with the ferrets and the bounce house was really funny, but I had to back it up and watch it again because I wasn't sure if it was the clip or the Dorito effect.

by Alfetta159 November 7, 2010

4👍 2👎

Mexican gardeners

Three or more landscape technicians who ride in a company pick-up truck at or below the legal speed limit in the fast lane and or usually in the carpool lane on the freeway completely oblivious to the fact that they are holding up traffic or that the carpool lane is not even in effect during that time of day.

Hi, I'm running a little late. I'm on 80, but I'm stuck behind some Mexican gardeners, and I can't even see around their pick-up. Hell, I can't even see thru their windshield. There are three of them packed in together all wearing hats. I guess they don't know that it's not a carpool lanes at lunch. Later.

by Alfetta159 January 22, 2010

24👍 16👎

poop it forward

Cleaning up other dog's messes in addition to your own dog's production while walking your dog.

For what ever reason, there's always stray dog crap on the route I take my dogs, so I just poop it forward.

by Alfetta159 August 14, 2010

8👍 3👎

going all ADD

When some unexpected but not unmanageable event occurs making someone forget all protocol or etiquette regarding the original situation often leading to great inconvenience for those not involved with the new event or situation.

Examples include:

When one enters a restaurant with an acquaintance only to find a baseball game on television and the game becomes the primary focus of one or both persons’ attention.

When someone sees a magazine with an interesting cover photo on a rack in a grocery store and rather than pay for it and read it at home, they grab the magazine with no regard to where their shopping cart is and block the aisle while reading the magazine in the store.

When someone is driving but stopped at a light and sees a friend in another vehicle or on a sidewalk and begins a conversation completely disregarding the traffic signals or that there are other drivers behind him who would like to get on with their lives.

Thing 1: Thanks for suggesting dinner.

Thing 2: Yeah I love the enchiladas here.

Thing 1: Oh, that's right; the Giants are on.

Thing 2: You gonna have a beer?

Thing 1 They took Lincecum out already!?

Waiter: Are you guys ready to order?

Thing 2: Yeah, I’ll have the enchiladas and a big Sierra Nevada.

Thing 1: I bet it’s that problem with the cuticle on the ring-finger of this throwing hand. Did you hear about that?

Thing 2: Ummm, you ready to order?

Waiter: Let me give you guys a few minutes.

Thing 2: So what looks good?

Thing 1: (very loudly in spite of children in the restaurant) Bullshit! It was a strike. Did you see that? See? See? Watch the replay. Are you watching?

Thing 2: DUDE! Stop going all ADD and at least order, and then we'll watch the game.

by Alfetta159 June 16, 2011

iPhone name

The name of the person asked for by everyone who calls on your new iPhone. The people calling are typically bill collectors, loan sharks, used car dealers, angry relatives or desperate tweakers who are all looking for the loser who had that number before you but couldn’t afford the data plan and all those purchases from iTunes and the App Store that really started to add up after a while.

Just a sec, I've got to take this.

Trevor? No, you've got the wrong number...
Who am I? I'm not Trevor. Who are you? I just got this phone; I don't know any Trevor!

Sorry, apparently my iPhone name is Trevor.

by Alfetta159 April 5, 2011