Source Code


verb(1), noun (2).
(1) playing a record backwards, then believing that it's telling you to commit crimal acts. -forms: to backmask; backmasking.-
(2) a record that CAN be played backwords, and delivers a message, whether it be good or bad. -forms: backmask; backmasks.-

-Whatcha doin' man?
-Sheet, man, I'm backmaskin'.

-Keep that backmask flowin'!

by Alise August 11, 2003

86πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

Little Jimmy Urine

Lead singer from the industrial-rock band Mindless Self Indulgence; born James Euringer; stage name often shortened to "Jimmy Urine."

Little Jimmy Urine? Can't I just say Jimmy?

by Alise December 26, 2003

464πŸ‘ 99πŸ‘Ž


Someone who moved to this country recently and has a messed up accent not a cool accent...a messed up one and they dont speak correctly

Dude there is this weird kid in my PE hes such a F.O.B

by Alise December 16, 2003

22πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Lauri Ylânen

the best rock group's lead singer, who likes black clothes and bird's feathers!!!! just - little lintu

from 'Into'

by Alise October 19, 2004

42πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


A rough translation from Japanese which means "light."

Kari was one of the children in Digimon; her "element" was light.

by Alise December 26, 2003

910πŸ‘ 269πŸ‘Ž

mutha fucka

adj., noun.
(1) see: wordmother fucker/word
(2)alternative spellings: mutha fucker, mother fucka.

Man, that bitch-ass-mutha fucka owes me money!

by Alise August 11, 2003

125πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž