Source Code

Printer vomit

the print outs that come out when you replace the paper in the printer. obviously someone else didnt realize there was no paper left and so printed their stuff like 12 times, all of which did not work. a waste of paper and really annoying because its almost impossible to stop.

O man, i just wanted to print one page, but i had to deal with the printer vomit first.

by Alison November 27, 2004

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

moose burn

1. the burn left on your ass after a moose drags you for a mile through rocks and tree branches

2. the burn left from a big black man's wang after he slaps you in the face with it

1. Whoa! I cant believe Bullwinkle was that hopped up on speed. He really didnt mean to give me moose burn. I know he loves me, he would never do that on purpose

2. Jamirashad got so mad at me last night he left a moose burn on my right cheeck. I have to go apply some gauze to it, see ya!

by Alison January 6, 2004

7πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Extremely ugly; probably derived from "beat with the ugly stick"

Man, I thought she'd have some hot friends, but boy, were they beat!

by Alison July 24, 2002

2062πŸ‘ 989πŸ‘Ž


A very mild curse word. Even parents who make their kids binge when they just say "shut up" to their brother, sometimes don't mind this word. So, it is often used by those kids to mean any other curse word of their choice.

"Oh no! A bird just damned not shitted on my window!"

"Go to Damn, you damn-hole!"

by Alison May 15, 2005

14πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

apathy season

A really, REALLY awesome screamo band from Dover Plains, New York.

Gee, I wish MY screamo band was as amazing as Apathy Season...

by Alison June 2, 2004

10πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Foot perv

someone who likes to put their feet, or other people's feet, places that most people only allow hands to go.

he's such a foot perv, i woke up and his whole leg was in my shirt.

by Alison November 27, 2004

14πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž


Something that tries to be awesome but totaly sucks ass.

MTV is totally craptastic!

by Alison November 27, 2004

144πŸ‘ 128πŸ‘Ž