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take someone home with ya?..

when there is more than enough roman noodles to go around, and you've got plenty.

Hey Margery! Why dont you take someone home with ya?..

by AlliedApe October 27, 2021

toxic consci

what happens to your sociologically affixed conscious when secret keepers are afraid that one will make that which is kept known to all...DEFINITION 2 what happens to a persons mind when constitutional sovereignty has been terrorized by the systems to which we allow the lesser of two great wickednessess to take alignment with whom is thought to be (for the lack of a better word) easy...

after being detached quite some time ive become of toxic consci, not engaging with living life.

by AlliedApe October 27, 2021

why the goat?

because the lamb has already been slain, and their are alot of goats.

sooooo. why the goat? because i dont know how to ask for forgiveness.

by AlliedApe October 27, 2021

dr. huckscable

a bill cosby character thats is not the correct show or person they were actually trying to go for. ex.below "different strokes" Mr. Drummand.....whatch you talkin bout Willis?...thats much better than your joke...faggot.

Dr. Huckscable came from some punk faggot that thought he was funny along with his girl "who is his friend."

by AlliedApe October 27, 2021


crazy is neither a medical term nor is it a legal term so who is actually crazy?

if he thinks i think he's crazy, then he's crazier than i think he is.

by AlliedApe October 28, 2021

kyle barnett

Kyle Barnett is a man from Ohio, many of people have heard the voice of this person. to which he claims that of a biblical right of way. it is written that there will be a man coming to earth that will have a voice that all nations and kindreds would hear it. also he is the keeper of the number of the beast for it is also the number of a man, many people are under the false assumption that acceptance of the name, number, or the mark will take them to hell. but if you read the scripture says nothing about the number taking anyone anywhere, the number is often incorrectly called 666, but is actually 600,606.

Kyle Barnett seems kind of crazy, until you find out the things he says were written down after him and well before him.

by AlliedApe October 27, 2021

head band radio

a name given to the long fabled RNM or the V2K, that may or may not be induction sound, infar sound, infra sound, electronic energy emissions, radio active potassium and other chemical rads, light wave data transmission,bio-electrolysis of some kind,the harmonic balancing of brain sine waves to other sines waves, 1941 favorite...static electricity, and as far fetched as it sounds, someone standing outside your window talking, person under your floor wispering, a copper field that emits enough frequency that can be interpreted by short range micro waves which in turn "cut" or "etch" pitches or sound that our brain will naturally fill in the word...like you hear "h" and your brain will fill in the sound "ere" its a common but very low key practice called gang stalking, also they have sonar, radar, super sonic, ultra high frequency, extremely low frequency and alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll kinds of other good strains of bud.

man.....i know you know i know you know this is the best head band radio home grown bud around.

by AlliedApe October 28, 2021