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The Eleventh Doctor's catchphrase in Doctor Who. He uses it when about to do something rash

Doctor: Geronimo! *jumps into black hole*

by Allonsier10 June 20, 2015

223👍 35👎

The Doctor

Is the main charater from the BBC show Doctor Who. He is the very last time lord from the planet Gallifrey and travels in a time and space machine called the TARDIS, the last type 40 in the universe. He travels with human companions (and sometimes robots). He has the ability to change his appearance. This process is called Regeneration His main enemy is the daleks, who he met in the episode The Daleks, and they have been seen in every regeneration. They only have one goal- to exterminate all "less superior life forms". Everytime The Doctor beat them.

The Doctor jumped into the TARDIS before the daleks could exterminate him.

by Allonsier10 June 19, 2015

14👍 2👎