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Someone eighteen or older who gets aroused or is attracted to minors.

Ms.Sarah: Do you see Mark over there? So fucking hot.
Mr.Alex: For fucks sakes Sarah, he's 15, you're 29, don't be a fucking pedophile. Why don't you fall for normal people, like Ms.Catie, she's a nice woman. Think about her in your sexual fantasies not a damn high schooler!

by Almapie August 14, 2018

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The act of illegally downloading a piece of media (usually games) from the internet for free, when the media costs money. This does not include getting gifts from someone.

Alexandra: Dude, I want Fallout 4 sooooo bad, but I'm fucking broke.
Chelsea: Just pirate it, I'll send you a link.
Alexandra: Pirating?

Chelsea: Basically getting stuff for free without paying for it.

by Almapie July 27, 2018