Source Code

Drink his milk

The secret term the "Crip" gang says when they want to kill someone.

Crip1: Let's drink his milk, bro!

Crip2: Drink it up!

by AnalPenetrationByForce October 21, 2011

13πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Pedobear Approves

A hilarious way to announce that you like something.

1) Mom: Dinner!

???: Golly gee, what's for eats, mommy?

Mom: A dead little girl!

???: Pedobear Approves! :D

2) ???: Hey, little girl! Why don't you come in my van?

Girl: Why?

???: I bought a bunch of candy, but I don't think I can finish it! Can you help me?

Girl: Okay! :D *Gets in van*

???: Pedobear Approves! *Slams and locks door*

by AnalPenetrationByForce July 22, 2011

30πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


An entity extremely dominant and powerful compared to others. For example, a Juggernaut in Call of Duty is a heavily armored soldier. It is extremely difficult to penetrate the armor and if you don't have the time to use bullets you have to fire grenades or rockets. While with other soliders a few bullets will do the trick. :) But Juggernaut isn't exactly copyright; it is just a term meaning- as mentioned here- extremely dominant and powerful compared to others. So if you want to make your own character called "Juggernaut" go ahead.

Fuck!!! That Juggernaut got me again! I better get a rocket launcher next time so I can fuck his shit up.

by AnalPenetrationByForce November 27, 2011

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


What a black guy responds with when someone makes a statement with ignorance or say the wrong thing.

Guy: No, squidward is the cook at the Krusty Krab!

Guy2: No, he's the cashier! GET IT RIGHT.

by AnalPenetrationByForce October 21, 2011

34πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Glitch Gremlin

An ugly green monster wearing a tattered red shirt who hides in your videogames. He can get in your disks, cartridges, games systems, and (if you break any of them) possibly your house. The gremlin is afraid to be outside of the video game world so chances of him glitching your home are very slim. If the gremlin gets in your game before you start playing it he will send a storm of glitches to fuck you up. There is no cure for the glitch gremlin, so you better be lucky.

*Guy starts super mario brothers*
Guy: Fuck! All the text is fucked up!
Glitch gremlin: ZrrtttZrttghttt
Guy: Now it's making wierd sound- oop. It froze. I hate the glitch gremlin!

by AnalPenetrationByForce October 27, 2011

35πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A bear's term for a human.

Bear1: My cub was shot by a flat-face ...

Bear2: A flat-face put my cub in a zoo.

Bear3: Flat-faces bring nothing but trouble. Hmph.

by AnalPenetrationByForce October 11, 2011

29πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

call in sick

when you tell your boss youre sick and you need to stay home. sometimes youre actually sick but mostly you just want to play minecraft or something for 10 hours straight.

worker: yeah, *sniff* i think ill just call in sick today. thanks, bye. *picks controller back up*

by AnalPenetrationByForce January 18, 2012

47πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž