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A Samuel is that High School crush you never told anyone about but you still run into an infuriating amount of times after you graduate.

They’re athletic and some of the smartest guys you’ll ever meet, but more importantly are genuine and stand up for what is right even when it isn’t the popular option. They work hard in silence and let their success make noise, yet always remain humbled by the process.

Everyone who meets a Samuel describes him as a “stand up guy” who is good at most everything he puts his heart into. They often have a strange assortment of talents and can’t stay still for long. Despite their attractive and intimidating exterior, they still enjoy soft things and do their fair share of dumb shit when they think no one else is watching. Ironically, that just makes people love them more.

Overall, a Samuel is the type of guy that you either love, want to love, or want to be.

“Who was that guy you were talking to in the elevator?”
“Oh, Samuel? We had a class together.”

by AndI— March 20, 2020

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