Source Code


Based on or motivated by partisan or self-serving objectives when it comes to choosing a technology to implement a solution (rather than using sound business justification in terms of return on investment or overall fit within an organization).

It's strange, but it sounds like it was a technopolitical decision for management go with PHP even though all our other systems are ColdFusion.

by AndrewMcL December 19, 2008

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To assign someone a task knowing that is fraught with risk and may implode.
To leave someone holding the bag.

It's going to fail anyway, so plone the project off to Jessica.

by AndrewMcL July 22, 2008

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Using email as method of introducing two (or more) people. This is typically done to (1) introduce people who in lieu of a formal meeting, and (2) do so in a manner that encourages the two parties to begin dialogue without the facilitating need of the originator.

Since Christina wonҀ™t be involved from this point forward, sheҀ™ll just emtroduce Andrew and Karen so they can set up a time for kicking off the project.

by AndrewMcL June 25, 2009


The process of converting an industrial nutrient (material) into something of similar or greater value in its second life.

Sarah's new company is making some awesome grocery bags from upcycled fabric.

by AndrewMcL October 23, 2009

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Having the character of a large organization with many tentacles (lines of business, divisions, departments, etc.) that continuously shift shape, expand reach and stick its business into every nook and cranny.

Can you believe Guy said that our academic medical center was octopussian? It's not like we're General Electric.

by AndrewMcL October 10, 2013


The practice of skewing a website's analtyics or online survey by encouraging Internet users to go and repeatedly interact with the site or survey a certain way.

I told Jeanne if she wants to make sure that Hula puts their adverisements up front, rather than throughout, she should do some crowdskewing with her Facebook and Twitter friends and tilt the results of their poll.

by AndrewMcL August 21, 2009


Short cut definition for a one-on-one meeting between an employee and their boss. Commonly used in the subject line of an email or meeting request. Not intended as a formal meeting to review one's performance evaluation, this meeting is often only 30 minutes and is conducted weekly or every other week.

I had my 1:1 with Kevin last night down on the first floor conference room.

by AndrewMcL June 18, 2009

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