Source Code

Romancing the bone

Phrase that refers to a male who is mastubating.

"Call me later, I'm busy romancing the bone at the moment."

by Angelic_Sherry September 22, 2005

30👍 13👎

Bologna Bopper

1.} Used in reference to a male that masturbates excessively. Considered to be an insult.

2.} Insulting term directed at a male who is considered to be/thought of as a jerk-off.

"Lee's a bologna bopper, he annoyed me so much yesterday, that I had a Nitemare about him last night."

by Angelic_Sherry September 19, 2005

8👍 4👎


Slang term referring to a woman's breasts.

"Did you see the cachongas on her?"

by Angelic_Sherry September 22, 2005

14👍 8👎

Mr. Wiggles

Term one uses in reference to the male genitalia; a term of endearment males use in reference to their own penis.

"Hey baby, Mr. Wiggles wants to say hello to you personally."

by Angelic_Sherry September 19, 2005

26👍 17👎

Burying the knuckle

Refers to a female who is masturbating.

"Where's Claudia?"
"She's inside burying the knuckle."

by Angelic_Sherry September 22, 2005

9👍 2👎

Badger Britches

A woman whose ass is extremely fat and lumpy, causing it to bounce and jiggle in an unattractive way, is said to have an ass that looks like two badgers in a sack fighting to get out.

"Look guys, here comes badger britches again."

by Angelic_Sherry September 22, 2005

27👍 7👎

Gräfenberg spot

The Gräfenberg spot or G-spot, named after German gynecologist Ernst Gräfenberg, is a small area in the genital area of women behind the pubic bone and surrounding the urethra. It is the same as, or part of, the urethral sponge, the site of Skene's glands.
Stimulation of the G-spot (through the front wall of the vagina) is said to promote a more vigorous and satisfying orgasm, and is possibly the cause of female ejaculation.

"When I hit that Gräfenberg spot, she had an orgasm that would blow your mind."

by Angelic_Sherry September 22, 2005

39👍 21👎