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..... A non racial slang word for "gangsta's"

yo's are stupid.= that wigger/thug/... looks like a fucking moron.

so much nicer don't ya think?

by Annie October 13, 2003

5πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

hott ass kiss

2 girls go into a bathroom during a movie and makeout the whole time, start to bang eachother, and come out of it like nothing happnened

kildoscope-2 girls ooooo yeah

by Annie January 20, 2004

13πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


Arrogant or lazy noise.

Eyah that's right.

by Annie December 30, 2004

4πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


a certain person who holds the esteem that they are better than you; haughty;

Pft what an arrogant.

by Annie December 30, 2004

334πŸ‘ 251πŸ‘Ž

tall glass of water

similar to "tall, dark, and handsome", if you are a tall glass of water, you are a tall guy who is a good catch, i.e. a goodlooking bachelor

Girl: Wow, would ya check him out? His deep voice is so sexxxyyyyy, and he plays tennis, AND he loves kids! Now that's a tall glass of water if I ever saw one!

by Annie September 13, 2006

743πŸ‘ 255πŸ‘Ž

mike gordon

A talented bassist, composer, and writer, most famous for his career as bassist for the excellent and celebrated band Phish. After the band's breakup in 2004, Mike entered into a collaboration with guitar legend Leo Kottke, resulting in their exploratory album, Clone, and a limited tour. Mike also appeared several times with the Benevento-Russo Duo. In 2005, he rebanded with Leo to produce a second album, Sixty Six Steps, and the two again toured.

Mike's Phish-era solo work includes the psychoanalytic Inside In, which he produced during the Hiatus. He was also the author of Mike's Corner, a column which appeared regularly in the band's publication, the Doniac-Schvice, and also on the Phish website through July of 2003. The column was adapted into a book of short stories of the same name, with illustrations by Mike's then-fiancee, Priscilla Foster. A film maker all his life, Mike has produced an independent film, Outside Out, among others; he also directed Phish's one and only music video, Down With Disease.

Mike Gordon, now in his early forties, lives in Vermont.

See also Cactus, Phish, and Mike's Groove

Mike Gordon is amazing!

by Annie October 26, 2005

56πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


1. Wrong
I figure that left is the opposite of right and wrong is also the opposite of right, So there for wrong and left mean the same thing.

that was so left!

by Annie April 26, 2004

18πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž