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an insult to be used on a close friend(s) to show that you think they are stupid as sh** without being too mean, it can be used similarly to "stupid"

ex: Alex: did Mr. Jackson say that? I don't remember that

Elliot: Alex you're a Nixan

by AnonyEx July 15, 2023


something fatasses on discord are incapable of doing

"you should really uninstall Discord all you do is go on Discord and eat chips it's not good for you"
"shut up"

by AnonyEx August 17, 2023

Italian kiss

When you're about to kiss someone, but instead you lick their lips.

Brian: That bitch totally gave me an Italian kiss!
Stewie: hello, vro ❤️

by AnonyEx April 13, 2024

Who asked?

A term used by people with chronically low IQ, (also known as middle schoolers) as a so-called "come back" but in reality is very stupid. After the middle schooler says this they will think they're cool

Middle schooler one: your mom's fat!
Middle schooler two: okay? who asked??
Middle schooler one: ............. I did
***epic badass music plays and middle schooler one walks away***

by AnonyEx August 11, 2023