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Hazbin Hotel

a child friendly show and its good but too many fuckwits say that its "homophobic" and "everyone is a bad person" when its literally set in HELL! and I once someone on Twitter compare it to another show set in hell but the premise in that show was that everyone needed to be nice so the person thought that everyone in hazbin should be nice just because of a completely different show. This is one of many reasons I hate humanity.

guy1: hey did you see hazbin hotel?
guy2: yeah it was great!
person3: um, that show is offensive and homophobic why cant everyone in it be nice?!

by Anonymous748 September 1, 2020

130👍 42👎

Animal Crossing Party

A Discord server for the game animal crossing new horizons, however the server is pretty bad as the mods have a censorship problem and if you say anything that would show people that the server is bad they would do anything in their power to get rid of it, the mods are also power hungry.

Person 1: I got banned from Animal Crossing Party for saying the f word for the 10th time, and saying it is also why I got all my strikes.

Person 2: damn.

by Anonymous748 January 5, 2021