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The White Eternal, played in the movie by the great Angelina Jolie. She is a fierce warrior, capable of creating weapons out of thin air and like Hulk and Wolverine, she's VERY dangerous when angry!

Thena is Marvel's equivalent of Athena, the Greek goddess of war and wisdom.

by AnonymousProgressiveRebel November 23, 2021


An aggressive or dangerous driver, especially one that acts as if they own the roads and blatantly disregard traffic law. They are known for doing the following:

1. Cutting other drivers off
2. Refusing to let other cars pass them
3. Not stopping for pedestrians in crosswalks or for school buses dropping kids off
4. Not yielding to emergency vehicles
5. Carelessly parking their yuge gas guzzlers across marked lines in mall parking lots
6. Driving more than 10 miles over the posted speed limit in a thickly settled residential area, often disturbing the quiet by making their engines as loud as motorcycles
7. Trying to race across an intersection before the light turns red
8. Recklessly entering from a side street without yielding to oncoming traffic
9. Not using turn signals
10. Leaving the scene of an accident
11. Driving with a suspended license
12. Resorting to violence when the cops come after them

A roadhog is essentially a driver with attitude issues.

by AnonymousProgressiveRebel January 25, 2023

Kamala Khan

Literally the Taliban's worst nightmare. She is a female Muslim American superhero from Marvel who packs a mean punch and is a huge fan of Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel. And if her eyes turn purple, run!

The one thing Islamist terrorists should fear more than a drone strike is for a certain female named Kamala Khan to arrive and send their asses flying over the Hindu Kush!

Will the fact that Kamala Khan / Ms. Marvel is a Muslim lead to Captain Marvel 2 (a.k.a. The Marvels) being banned in certain Muslim countries?

by AnonymousProgressiveRebel July 10, 2023


Short for mifepristone, the most frequently prescribed FDA approved abortion drug.

Keep your hands off my mife!

by AnonymousProgressiveRebel April 14, 2023

been around the world

Promiscuous to the most extreme degree imaginable. Much worse than been around the block and the subsequently stronger been around town and been around the country.

Person 1: That slut hasn't just been around the block; she's fucking been around the world!

Person 2: And with all the STDs she must be carrying, it's no surprise she still can't find her baby!

by AnonymousProgressiveRebel April 13, 2023


Fear or hatred of any sexual orientation other than heterosexual.

Straight Pride is essentially a cover for homotransphobia.

by AnonymousProgressiveRebel August 22, 2023

The Notorious AOC

THE most appropriate nickname for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez given that she shares the same New York City and has the same three letter initialism in her name as Big Poppa (The Notorious B.I.G.) and Ruth Bader Ginsburg ("The Notorious RBG").

Should Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez run for President, she would most likely be known by the public as "The Notorious AOC!"

by AnonymousProgressiveRebel February 9, 2023

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