Source Code

mudda likka

Indigenous Australian slang. A term used to describe an unpleasant or contemptible person. Not unlike "mudda fukka," but implying that the subject, or insultee, also engages in cunnilingus with their mother.

"You pink eyed land grabbin' white cunt mudda likka!" (Actually directed at me by a member of the Aboriginal community, while I was still employed as a Police Officer in Western NSW)

by Apathetic Care Bear January 29, 2005

8πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

craniorectal inversion

A state of being usually adopted by middle management types whereby one's head is inserted into one's own arse. Considered to be quite an accomplishment by middle management types, given that their heads are at the same time permanently stuck in the respective arses of upper management types.

Psychologist: "The patient appears to be suffering from a chronic case of craniorectal inversion. What does he do for a living?"
Psych ward Nurse: "He's the manager of the Hospital's Human Relations team. He answers to the Director."
Psychologist: "Say no more."

by Apathetic Care Bear January 31, 2005

16πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

deja poo

The undeniably eerie feeling that you've seen all this shit before.

The undeniably eerie feeling that you've seen all this shit before. ;->

by Apathetic Care Bear January 31, 2005

210πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

rock spider

A term used to refer to a paedophile. In common usage within correctional facilities. Derived from the analogy that a paedophile, like a rock spider, is always getting into little cracks. Crass and vulgar, I know, but there it is.

"That fucking rock spider had it coming!" (When used as a defence to a charge of murder, where the deceased was a paedophile.)

by Apathetic Care Bear January 29, 2005

949πŸ‘ 155πŸ‘Ž

womb broom

A particularly thick, wiry moustache.

That bitch gave him crabs in his womb broom!

by Apathetic Care Bear January 29, 2005

86πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž

yelling at the alligators

The act of vomiting noisily into a toilet bowl or other drain. Derived from the urban myth of the existence of alligators in the sewers.

I drank way too much last night and spent all morning yelling at the alligators

by Apathetic Care Bear February 11, 2005

33πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

fish licker

A lesbian; particularly one who is not fastidious when it comes to her partners feminine hygiene habits. So called due to the fishy aroma of the unwashed female genitals.

So Simone, are you a fish licker too?

by Apathetic Care Bear January 29, 2005

19πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž