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Roblox Myth

A roblox myth is a spoopy thing on the game roblox.

Its either 12 year olds trying to get noticed or 14-16 year olds dedicating their life for a brick game to be spooky.
On a real note roblox myths show stories of bad pasts or some weird shit I dont know. They are a popular part of roblox and you see a lot if kids becoming edgy and its gay.
Unless you're not edgy and stuff it's pretty fun. Its like owning an OC pretty much and showing their past through a game.

Spooky myth: "Hi welcome to my game I died 2 days ago *edgy shit blah blah*

Kid: "Omg woah you got noticed by a youtuber for being spoopy I wanna be just like you gasp gasp"

Roblox myth: An OC on roblox with a past story pretty much.

by Apersonwoohoo October 5, 2018

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