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Furniture Disease

When a woman's breasts sag to their waist and/or further. They usually become smaller and wrinkly from beinging out of their original position.

Whoa! Your grandma's saggy tits really shows that she has a nasty case of furniture disease.

by Applesaucelord December 15, 2004

7👍 21👎


The buttcrust that sticks to your arse hair. A.K.A. dingleberries

I brushed my ass and all I got was foy.

by Applesaucelord December 15, 2004

24👍 258👎

Touch Cloth

One usually "touches cloth" when he/she passes gas and pokes out a turtle head while their pants are still on them. Then a peice of poo then touches their underwear leaving a small stain. This is usually uncomfortable to walk around with.

Dude, I floated an air biscuit and touched cloth.

by Applesaucelord December 15, 2004

41👍 6👎