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Fucking Arab

Slang term used in ‘Murica for:

non-whites, non-Chistians, and non-Americans, as well as

whites, Christians, and Americans

Universally means cock-sucking faggot unless you’re in the Pentagon, in which case it’s a term of endearment for your boss

White male: “Fucking Arabs everywhere these days”

by Artemboss July 18, 2018

1👍 4👎


Jewish woman’s tits. The name comes from the fact that they look and sound like bags of coins.

“Bro, look at those Jewbags on her. Not banging her tonight.”

by Artemboss August 7, 2018

2👍 8👎


A side dish so bad it tastes like sewer and makes you want to commit suicide after eating it.

Often seen at over-marketed joints like 99 and Olive Garden to make their meals look larger.

Good restaurant visiter tries the side: “Eeugh. This Tastes like total shit. It’s fucking Sewerside”
Calls over-helpful bitch waitress who wants a good tip: “Can you replace this with something edible?”
Bitch waitress: “I can get you another of the same.”
...Good restaurant visitor commits suicide

by Artemboss July 18, 2018

12👍 31👎

The Donald

A penis.

Kid 1: “Man, what’s this thing growing between my legs?”
Kid 2: “That’s The Donald. You’ll want to satisfy him with pussy when you’re older.”

1 day later:
“Bitch say hi to The Donald.”

by Artemboss July 18, 2018

9👍 25👎

Trump’s Wall

A wall Donald Trump wants to build as part of his master plan to grab em by the pussy.

Step 1: Build wall
Step 2: kick out Latino men
Step 3: Easy picking of hot latina chicks

Intelligent person: “The true purpose of Trump’s Wall is something the Fake News Media won’t tell you.”

by Artemboss July 18, 2018

Hoe in One

When you get with a chick right away.

Opposite of meeting a chick and finding out she’s a feminist.

Ron: “I roofied that bitch and had her pussy for lunch.”
Sean: “Hoe in One!”

by Artemboss July 18, 2018

3👍 3👎