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There are thousands upon thousands of names, and many people with vastly different personalities share the same name, yet every single one means "most beautiful", "smartest", or "best person ever". Huh, strange. It's almost as if there's a correlation between the definer and the definition.

Guys, 4chan will find you if you tell them what your name is *hint* *hint*

by Artydaboy October 4, 2017

3👍 2👎


Something which people are taught to hate by normie culture, but is actually quite nice. Such as classical music, oatmeal-raisin cookies, or tuna salad.

Dude, everybody knows that classical music is only for pretentious people who have no taste.
'Cause it is. Everyone knows it is.
Sir, I do believe that that is a popudelective.

by Artydaboy September 30, 2017