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Another word for " Got that" or "I'll take it into account".

Person 1: You stink. You should take a shower.

Person 2: Noted.

by AshKetchumPoketraineer February 5, 2019

28👍 2👎


Definition 1-- Is bad at something
Definition 2-- Is overall unpleasant

Example for definition 1--

Person-- Boy, you suck at volleyball

Example for definition 2--
Person-- *having to do chores* Well this sucks

by AshKetchumPoketraineer February 5, 2019

52👍 15👎

Death Eaters

A Harry Potter term.

Death Eaters are Voldemort's supporters, they are very bad and racist against muggleborns , or, if you'd like to use the impolite word, mudbloods. All of them have this tattoo, the dark mark, with their symbol that is used to communicate with one another.

Wizard 1: *looking at the collapsed bridge* What's going on?!
Wizard 2: It looks like the Death Eaters have attacked again.

by AshKetchumPoketraineer February 5, 2019