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jessica simpson

a wanna be diva who has natural boobs and a super hunky boyfriend.

you don't have to marry that slut nick! i wanna fuck you! i'm juicier than her!

by Ashlee November 11, 2004

26πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž


A mixture of Chillin' and Relaxin'.

"I'm not doing anything. I'm just sittin' on the couch chillaxin".

by Ashlee August 13, 2001

662πŸ‘ 149πŸ‘Ž

cum dog

man or woman that likes to give head alot.

karmen is a cum dog. yum yum

by Ashlee April 22, 2005

31πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

cum dog

man or woman who loves to give lots of head.

karmen is a fuckin cum head. yum yum

by Ashlee April 22, 2005

48πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


A section of a city to which an entire ethnic or economically depressed group is is restricted; as by poverty or social pressure.

Ghetto can be broken down into three ideoms; Social (isolated) Economical (industrial) and Legal (having to go aganst authoritied in order to make ends meet

by Ashlee May 1, 2003

2260πŸ‘ 1371πŸ‘Ž


A crack-head or junky. Its more likely used to describe a free loader or someone who always ask for things and they aint got no money...so you can say a junky

Mayne bruh you a cone

by Ashlee October 9, 2004

26πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


not available to you or any other of your skanky friends!

My boyfriend is taken.

by Ashlee August 6, 2003

622πŸ‘ 163πŸ‘Ž