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A person with no shame, or ass in their face.
Also known as an #AssFace, this phrase was coined as a worldwide phrase of unity and love by #AssFaceNFT in October 2021.

Citizen 1: "Hey did you hear Boris Johnson's announcement today?"
Citizen 2: "No dude, I stopped listening to that AssFace a long while back!"

by AssFaceNFT November 4, 2021


A global revolution that began in October 2021 in an effort to shame all those with ass in their face.
By working with some of the world's most talented artists, #AssFaceNFT was able to change the world.

Dude: "Hey have you heard of AssFaceNFT? They are starting a revolution using an AssFace"
Man: "Nah dude sounds fun though!"

by AssFaceNFT October 17, 2021