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fagstreet boys

The proper term for Backstreet Boys because they're a bunch of stupid fags. Their probably hiding vaginas in their pants which explains why they sound like a bunch of eight-year-old girls on helium.

If the Fagstreet Boys suddenly became non-existent the world would be a better place.

by Assholes Inc. September 3, 2003

137πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž


The proper term for Apple.

The iMac, the Powermac, the iPod... what will crapple think of next?

by Assholes Inc. September 15, 2003

1045πŸ‘ 333πŸ‘Ž

Blue Screen of Death

Something that is now virtually extinct, thanks to Microsoft's brand new stable OS.

"OH NO!!!!1MY WIDNWOZ 3.1 HSA CARAHSED!!!!!!!!11111"
"You need Windows XP, dipshit. Welcome to the real world."

by Assholes Inc. September 3, 2003

59πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž

french military victories


The french won military victories? No they didn't you dumbass.

by Assholes Inc. September 3, 2003

633πŸ‘ 632πŸ‘Ž

rock fan

Rock fans aren't associated with the KKK you fucking dumbass. And why don't you actually meet one before being a prick about it? Dumb shit...

Only people who had their mind fucked in like mindwideopen and eggroll would believe the RIAA-controlled diarrhea-shit their listening to is real music.

by Assholes Inc. September 3, 2003

47πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


What macs should be called because your supposed to beat the shit out of it after seing how shitty it is.

I just got a new mac and I tossed it out the window.

by Assholes Inc. August 9, 2003

21πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Alliteration Insults

Fuchsia Fuck, Dick Dictator, Vagrant Vagina

by Assholes Inc. September 15, 2003

23πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž