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has balls

If he/she has balls that means they are brave as fuck. They have guts and are braver than most people. Like being a crazy stuntman.

e people from jackass have balls like Evel Knievel has balls; its crazy the shit they do...; you can die from those stunts.

by Au. August 24, 2015

16👍 4👎


woman for transsexual/transvestite/transgender

Used in personals; I am a w4t.

by Au. February 20, 2008

19👍 3👎


Crapitalism is the evident failing of the capitalistic system. After excessive attempts to crapitize on consumer companies begin to make products that self destruct or break easily. To ensure adequate employment workers might take 2 years on a job that might be finished in as little as 6 monthes. Crapitalism is an indicator of the evolution of Capitalism to Imperialism this phase is commonly indicated by a loss of middle class and a greater divide between haves and have not. If the condition is untreated it leads to revolutions and civil unrest and forks into community based communism that seeks independence from breaucractical leeches.

Crapitalism inheirits the migration of capitalism to imperialism.

Damn crapitalism i just bought a sega pslazy8 and the game system self destructed.

Stupid crapitalism those workers spent 12 monthes fixing the road during lunch and traffic hours and now they have to dig it back up again and lay power lines.

by Au. August 29, 2015

21👍 6👎


Manstration is when a man becomes bitchy and theres some blood involved...

the word comes from man and frustration.

Billy and Jim got into a fist fight... I think its due to Jim's manstration... I dont want to clean up their mess.

by Au. December 19, 2015

2👍 8👎

That Guy

That Guy is usually a bad thing could be a positive depending on context. A person will usually say that guy because he lacks social classification and is usually out of the loop hence the person's name is unknown or intentionally ignored. That guy may have the charisma of an ignoranus and may often be referred too or beckgoned with references like douche or douchebag and ass. That guy also can be a piece of shit that you want gone but he hangs around like a dingleberry.

To sum it up you don't want to be that guy.

Glad I'm not that guy! That guy is a dumbass! Who is that guy!?

by Au. October 26, 2015


Having the balls to sag more than most people with and having a gait that complement the walk and the talk. It's similar to up tight like an asshole but also the complete opposite while promoting an aura of freedom. Also can be spelled sagasscity and is pronounced sag-ass-sit-E

The closest antonym is conservative if you mix it with wedgy. But sagacity also hints at bravery and having the balls and/or guts to be yourself and stand out.

You can can see his sagacity is evident by his having the balls to sag more than the average person.

by Au. August 24, 2015

8👍 11👎

the fuzz

the fuzz refers to the polices like the heat i think the word is derived from the police always being on your ass or in you face like peach fuzz

watch out for the fuzz... they probaby own the bar you drink and drive to and from.

by Au. October 31, 2015

17👍 62👎