Source Code

ein matheson

a washy pathetic individual. A school washout.

ein attempted suicide

by Awesome March 2, 2005

22πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A Bible school in southern California, which is mostly inhabited by hypocritical, once-sheltered children of either rich, rich people, pastors, or misisonaries.

Dude, did you see the Jesus mural!? It's so awesome!!

by Awesome April 25, 2005

84πŸ‘ 210πŸ‘Ž


Retarded-Ogre-Faggots named Tim that like inflicting pain because they think they're tough. They also hit on girls and attack potheads. OR People you're supposed to hate.

"Tim, you fucking faggot, you're a sadist, i hope when you're trying to jump off a car on the freeway you die. Fucking idiot."

by Awesome March 10, 2005

48πŸ‘ 202πŸ‘Ž

ass stubble

small reminants of hair found on the asses of male models and body builders

Body builder: Hey Dad, come in here and shave my ass stubble!!

by Awesome January 10, 2004

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


a term that idiots use instead of noob

Man, i have been online for such a long time that i dont know what life is. I have to shorten a four letter word so i dont get killed, on my videogame. beep beep beep.

by Awesome February 1, 2004

13πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


Greatest city on earth! Always something buzzing somewhere !

Coolest people, very approachable, great looking people, plus all these awesome festivals...

ah man, mtl is sooo cool!

by Awesome January 31, 2005

136πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž


an interesting eccentric person

Oh, Tom, you're such a character.

by Awesome April 20, 2005

521πŸ‘ 198πŸ‘Ž