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Social Disorder

Often confused with social anxiety. Social disorders are conditions of society which cause other disorderly and immoral things to occur. These include things like negative peer pressure, traumatic experiences, social prejudices, and propaganda. Social disorders function for a society much like a disease does to the body deteriorating it from within.

Social disorders like racial prejudice divide the country and distract us from a united a common goal.

by Axiomatic June 25, 2009

38👍 9👎

Weaker Sex

1) A term used to describe one gender as naturally inferior to another.

2) Pathetic attempts to copulate while lacking the desire to do so.

1) Argument: Women are the weaker sex because they're emotional, self-centered, vain and can't fight as well as men can.
Rebuttal: Men are the weaker sex because they're aloof, selfish, prideful and can't endure as well as women can.

2) I just keep getting weaker sex every time we try. I don't think I'm even attracted to my partner anymore.

by Axiomatic June 25, 2009

24👍 16👎


1) The activity/condition of engaging in sexual acts with many partners, often during the same time periods.

2) Indiscriminate mixture or hodgepodge.

1) The average American has had 14 sexual partners in their lifetime? The high level of promiscuity in America today is just disturbing.

2) There were so many images splashed together everywhere I couldn't make anything out in the promiscuity of it all.

by Axiomatic June 25, 2009

114👍 39👎


1) To separate or depart from.

2) Separation of married couples or ending of a civil union resulting in the inevitable destruction of family units and the partial if not full-ruining of the lives of offspring tied to both parties.

3) The most selfish act a parent can do second only to cheating on their spouse and abusing their family.

1) The metal sheet divorced from its counterpart as the bolts and screws came loose.

2) The divorce rate in America is above 50% nowadays despite the drop in ceremonial marriages. No wonder everyone is so fucked up: they're too damn selfish to get along with anyone else...

3) My mom divorced my dad despite the lack of infidelity or abuse. My mom is a heartless bitch who can go to hell.

by Axiomatic June 25, 2009

337👍 198👎

Sex Abuse

1) Abusing one sexually or during a sex act. See Sexual Abuse

2) Use of sexuality as a distraction or escape from real life problems much like alcohol abuse (see alcoholism). Often these include sexual disorders such as erotophobia, homophobia, philophobia, necrophilia, pedophilia, homophilia, homosexuality, fecophilia, nymphomania/satyriasis, queer sexuality (see Queer) and so on. These conditions aren't always caused by mental disorders but more often they are caused by social disorders, not to be confused with social anxiety, but actual social disorders such as peer pressure, childhood trauma or political correctness. Pedophiles/rapists spread these social diseases via trauma much like politicians spread them by political correctness and social delinquents spread them by peer pressure.

1) Michelle told me about the sex abuse Gary had put her through during their marriage. I feel really bad for her, but I'm glad she's getting through it with her family.

2) Shannon insisted she was comfortable with her sexuality and no ignorant homophobic "doctor man" was going to tell her what to do just because some medical evidence and statistics proved sex abuse to be unhealthy for an individual as well as society.

by Axiomatic June 25, 2009

27👍 60👎


1) Lacking knowledge.

2) Slang: Insult used to describe another party as stupid and/or prejudiced. Often used incorrectly as the most ignorant parties in a debate tend to call others ignorant to make up for their own lack of information or prejudices.

1) Joseph is ignorant of any knowledge that might help him built a nuclear-powered engine with spare parts in his garage, so he's going to stick to what he knows and just go to an auto-repair shop.

2) Dr. Phillis's advice discouraged Shannon's promiscuous lifestyle so she called him an ignorant homophobe and covered her ears saying "bla bla bla I'm not listening" as he tried to explain the dangers of drug and sex abuse to her. What a cunt.

by Axiomatic June 25, 2009

73👍 24👎