Source Code

jefferson county

Missouri county south of St. Louis.

Also known as Jeff County, Jeffco and Meth County

-I'm going to Arnold

-That's Jeff County. Are you going to score some meth???

by BAQinSTL May 10, 2005

49👍 15👎


A safe way to demonize anyone criticizing the homosexual lifestyle.

Most "homophobes" actually don't hate gays/lesbians, they just hate the latter's lifestyle and their overt attempts at pushing it through the media, and most recently, through the courts.

-"Homophobe": did you know that domestic violence among gay/lesbian couples is more frequent than among heterosexual ones???
-Gay rights supporter: YOU HOMOPHOBE!!!
*Debate finished*

by BAQinSTL February 19, 2004

358👍 433👎