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An alcholic beverage consisting of 3 or more shots in a 16 ounce glass. Must in be done in repetition until you are unable to drink anymore. You will achieve tasting when you have blacked out and pissed all of your friends and girlfriend off. Possible results are including, but limited to, arrest, cheating, fights, money lost in casinos, and STDs.

After a few tastes last nite, I woke up in Clark County Jail.

by BBlanc March 6, 2009

4πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

mud maggot

A man who stands ankle deep in brutal concrete while charging you astronomical amounts of money for his services. You will spot him easily at your local pub by what appears to be dried birdshit on his shirt. Fear not, it is not bird shit, it is the fruits of his labor. When your specialist leaves, his only guarantee is that concrete gets hard and it will crack.

My Mud Maggot buddy Walter poured only three floors today and made five grand.

by BBlanc March 6, 2009

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

speed bumping

When something that happens to slow down you're action. Similar to cock blocking, except that it pertains to everything, not just pussy. A speed bumper is your friend, but he likes to watch you have a hard time with what you do

My boy was speed bumping our good time by getting too drunk to drive and making us call a cab.

by BBlanc March 16, 2009

12πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


Typically to at least a 1/4" by 5" line of cocaine or better.

After I followed that chick in to the bathroom, she floored me when she pulled out a System

by BBlanc March 6, 2009

9πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


The same exact thing as Tea Bagging. The difference is that you can not remove your balls from that chicks mouth until the flavor has fully set in. This process takes a minimum of two minutes. If you remove that scrotum any sooner, then you have not steeped.

That chick didn't shut up all night. Only silence I had is when I started steeping. Got a full 5 minutes!

by BBlanc March 6, 2009

12πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Jicky Jack

Jicky Jack is the process of turning a simple task in to multiple steps. When something becomes jammed and stuck, then you must use your Jicky Jacking skills to massage said task in to it's proper dwelling. To be a thorough Jicky Jacker you must posess a BIG HEART. It takes talent, patience, and above all, a rough hangover

When Bob found that there was no height to install the panel, he started revving the forklift engine and doing dangerous stuff to make sure that he could Jicky Jack that panel in to place.

by BBlanc March 7, 2009

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


It East Coast slang for the Shocker. It is the romantic act of inserting two fingers in the Vag, and then slyly sneaking the pinky into the ass to create that romantic moment you have been missing. To perform this procedure properly, your ring finger should be comfortably rested against the taint.

After we lit the candles, had dinner and listened to some Kenny G, I enhanced the evening by introducing her to my old friend McGuinty

by BBlanc March 6, 2009

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