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AKA Michael Richards. A quirky character on the sit com “Seinfeld” who was once beloved by all. Pulled a humpty by losing his composure at a stand up performance and went on a racist tirade directed at some African American “hecklers”. He is now a sad lonely racist who has exposed the real person behind the lovable facade.

R.I.P. the good old Kramer we used to know and love. We will miss you.

by BBradsky November 22, 2006

103👍 135👎

supply line

(n.) The main pile of cocaine that is set aside. The rails are then pulled out as they are being consumed.

*WARNING* Do not under any circumstance snort the supply line (accidentally or purposely)! Could be fatal by either O.D. or severely pissing off a bunch of fiending coke heads who now have no more coke.

Damn! That dude just did the supply line. He is a dead man for sure!

by BBradsky October 19, 2006

32👍 7👎

ghost game

The act of befriending women with the intentions of having sex.

He's got ghost game. She thought they were just friends but now he's hitting it.

by BBradsky October 19, 2006

7👍 1👎

Spook The Herd

When ones actions disperse a group of the opposite sex. Caused by loud, rude, immature, or generally offensive actions. Not confined to but often related to drunken behavior.

Every time Joe drinks he thinks he can dance. But, he all he does is "spook the herd"

by BBradsky August 7, 2008

poop daddy

(n.) A black boy ten years and younger. May be deamed as racist if used by a Caucasian. However, is endearing if used by black person or other minority.

That poop daddy is a cute little playa.

by BBradsky October 19, 2006

33👍 17👎