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The particles of "air" that are omitted from your anal sphincter prior to emptying your bowels...NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH A FART!
Vapours simply seep out of your bottom without pushing.

"Hey Andy have you farted?"

"Nope but I do need a s**t"

"Aha...best you go park it then...your vapours are pure eggs man"

by BFREASH February 17, 2010

8👍 14👎

Bum Hum

Something that "hums" (stinks) which also comes from your bum. i.e farting..guffing, trumping...bottom vapours!!!

"Hey what's that awful smell"

It's Andy...he's got bum hum!

by BFREASH February 17, 2010

7👍 1👎

Bum Hum

Something that "hums" (stinks) which also comes from your bum. i.e farting..guffing, trumping...bottom vapours!!!

"Hey what's that awful smell"

It's Andy...he's got bum hum!

by BFREASH February 17, 2010

6👍 1👎


Utter crap that people utter or express..much like nonsense..rubbish and Bull which is completely superficial and non relevant to anything interesting.

"Did see Debbie's status update on facebook the other day?"

"Yeah, don't people talk a load of piffle"

by BFREASH February 18, 2010

61👍 21👎