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Cleveland Steamer

A Cleveland Steamer is one of two acts that are similar for the scatalogically inclined. One is a crude sex act the other a crude break up technique. Both are the same thing.

1. You take a dump on a lovers chest while or before titty fucking (if that partner is a female.) Generally for the cacaphile only or as a domination and humiliation tool in BDSM games. See also Brown Showers. The steamer part is that it is very probably steaming from the freshness (Moisture rising from it) not to do with "steamrolling" it. Then it would have been called a "Cleveland Steamroller". It is probably named after Cleveland (Lucky us Clevelanders) because of the brown stripe left behind resembling the brown stripe on the orange Cleveland Browns Football Helmet. If you squish it down and then you spooge on it for syrup it becomes a "Boston Pancake". Don't know the origin of Boston in refernce to that act.

2. Often used as a breakup technique for angry lovers to wait till the other is asleep and dumping on their chest and leaving them to wake in it the morning after. Point made. Sexual intercourse isn't necessary beforehand technically. It is only for extra points with your pals since you obviously are only pretending to be making up and having sex to achieve this goal and are tricking the other person to get even. Usually done without knowledge of the victim if the "pooper" wants to escape alive.

Tom wanted to break up with Sally after their last fight and he made his point to her by dropping her a Cleveland Steamer and leaving the bedroom.

by BFitz99 March 22, 2006

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