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To throw or throw out, often but not necessarily forcefully. Has a fairly flexible range of meaning, and has sometimes been used as an exclamation while throwing something.

Despite most people only hearing about the word recently, it is of old English origin, having variant spellings recorded including ȝeȝt, yeght, and yeit. It was traced to French éjecter, which in turn comes from Latin iaceō and Proto-Indo-European *(H)yeh₁- (“to throw, let go”), and is ultimately of the same origin as the word "eject".

According to some interpretations, the Irish word "feck" is a fairly close synonym.

In a panic, the hiker yeeted a rock at the grizzly bear.
The CEO decided to yeet the board member after finding out about his activities.

by BGMan December 22, 2020

de facto

Not acknowledged as official, but real all the same.

There are de facto countries around the world, such as Transnistria, Northern Cyprus, and Somaliland, which the world community refuses to recognize as real countries, despite having their own governments, flags, military, and so forth.

Ashley and Tim are in a de facto relationship. Even though they claim to be single, they're always together and have been for over a year. Duh...

by BGMan July 19, 2008

88👍 24👎

Northwest left

To turn left from a two-way street onto a one-way street at a red light. Legal in Alaska, Idaho, Michigan, Oregon, and Washington state (so long as you're going the right way on the one-way street).

The light was taking too long, and I was in a hurry, so I did a Northwest left.

by BGMan December 22, 2017


A part of the afterlife where souls are kept until they are allowed to enter heaven. Catholics (such as Dante Alighieri) believe in this because they think souls need to be clean before they can be allowed into heaven, as opposed to Protestants who believe that accepting Jesus as one's personal savior entitles one to heaven automatically no matter how filthy your soul is.

It is unpleasant and fiery like hell, but the souls there are not like the damned, in that they love God and are already saved. Part of the torment is the waiting. A "term" in purgatory can vary widely in length, from a few minutes to the end of the world, and in intensity, from "just slightly less bad than hell" to simply kept in a waiting room. Like prison, visitations by angels and saints are allowed for some souls.

Purgatory: because your sins have to be burned off.

Purgatory: the final processing.

Purgatory: a very unpleasant place, but at least you age in reverse.

Purgatory: hot time in the celestial big house.

by BGMan April 19, 2008

73👍 36👎

prior to

A jerkoff way of saying "before".

A: Prior to John's passing away...
B (thinking): What the fuck is wrong with "Before John kicked the bucket"?

by BGMan May 18, 2008

33👍 10👎