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word used to call your friend (whom is a girl) to be funny, cause she does a lot with guys.

"skank come here!"
"haha your such a skank"
"oooo here comes the skank!"
used by philadelphians.

by BaBiedoll November 27, 2003

6👍 14👎


really telling the truth.

"no, like, seriously we did!"
"don't go, seriously."
"seriously, you don't even know."

by BaBiedoll November 27, 2003

327👍 129👎


nickname for pamela.

"Hey Pampers"

by BaBiedoll November 27, 2003

46👍 54👎

thats whats up

thats wats good.

person says: "yo I just got this/these hot new (shoes, job, CD, car, etc.)
you say:"THATS WHATS UP!"

by BaBiedoll November 27, 2003

542👍 114👎

K & A

Short Kensington and Allegany Ave. in Philly.

"she lives down by K&A"

by BaBiedoll November 27, 2003

91👍 52👎

Hot Shit

something that is hot, banging, off the chain, cool, etc.

Yo those jeans are hotshit!
This store has some hotshit.
Or when someone shows you something you like, say "HOTSHIT!" <-- used by philadelphians.

by BaBiedoll November 27, 2003

306👍 104👎