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A combination of the words dork and orchestra. Primarily used only in secondary schools.

1) Used as an insult by people who cannot play an instrument, directed at a member of an Orchestra - usually at school.

2) Used as an affirmation of solidarity by the accomplished musicians inside an orchestra.

Dorkestra pride, baby!

by BaanGaan August 7, 2005

15👍 5👎


1. E-mail for computer geeks.
2. An e-mail account that provides more space for e-mails than any one person could ever reasonably be expected to use.
3. Friends sending mail to friends.

Bob: Hey, guess what? I have a Gmail account now!
George: That's cool. How can I get one?
Bob: It's very easy. First, you go to the donut shop, and buy a dozen donuts. Then, you give said donuts to me as an offering, and maybe, just maybe, you'll get a Gmail account.

by BaanGaan August 6, 2005

10👍 28👎

Megas XLR

The only other Giant Robot show where the main male character isn't a smeggin' angsty Bishounen. (see also: Xabungle)

Four buttons on the MEGAS control panel:
Button: *Destroy the world*
Button: *SMITE the world*
Button: *Destroy the world worse*
Button: *Save the world*

Guess which one is broken.

by BaanGaan August 6, 2005

165👍 33👎


Lt. in LAPD. Easily the best "detective" America has to offer. Characterized by:
1: A beat-up raincoat.
2: An aging Peugot.
3: A cigar (the cheap kind).
4: Follows a suspect around, irritating them until they slip up.
5: No apparent first name (actually, he does have one: Lt.)
6: A never-seen wife.

To call someone "Columbo" or "a Columbo" can either be taken as a compliment or a threat.

"Just one more thing..."

by BaanGaan August 6, 2005

106👍 28👎