Source Code


An animated cat from The Simpsons that is often fooled into some devious murder scheme hatched by counterpart Itchy.

They Fight, and Bite
They Fight and Fight and Bite
Fight, Fight, Fight, Bite, Bite, Bite
The Itchy and Scratchy Show!

by Balfdor June 16, 2007

23πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


A professional, someone who operates with exceptional style, grace, and skill, and is usually trained to perform under various levels of time or environmental pressures.

James can flip a dozen pancakes in five seconds, what a pro!

by Balfdor December 5, 2006

84πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


Curling one's lips into a frown and proceeding to cry.

When girls pout...
She went into the bathroom to pout again.
Aww, we should talk to her.

When boys pout...
He went into the bathroom to pout again.
That pussy! Let's go make fun of him.

by Balfdor December 12, 2006

222πŸ‘ 93πŸ‘Ž


Actually, this is how the English (meaning people from ENGLAND) themselves pronounce the word "idea." Look into it before you post, idiots.

Ralph Fiennes: My father had the right idear about dealing with *your* people.

- Prince of Egypt

by Balfdor June 12, 2007

259πŸ‘ 282πŸ‘Ž


Something that really ties a room together.

The Dude: That rug really tied the room together, man.

The Big Lebowski

by Balfdor January 10, 2007

289πŸ‘ 140πŸ‘Ž


Bitch On Arrival

Someone who starts acting rude or complains to you as soon as you talk to them, either because of their present mood or because they hold a grudge against you.

From the movie Waiting...

Look at the scowl on that one's face. She was BOA from the moment she went to their table.

by Balfdor June 21, 2007

38πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


An animated mouse from The Simpsons that usually brings counterpart Scratchy to a violent demise.

They Fight, and Bite
They Fight and Fight and Bite
Fight, Fight, Fight, Bite, Bite, Bite
The Itchy and Scratchy Show!

by Balfdor June 16, 2007

59πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž