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Man's best friend, next to TV.

Hey, your dog is blocking the screen!

by Balfdor December 2, 2006

3424πŸ‘ 1435πŸ‘Ž


Delusions Of Grandeur

A D.O.G. is someone with the potential to have really big dreams but without applying oneself will end up just eating the dirt, metaphorically speaking.

A D.O.G. usually starts out very timid or perhaps somewhat of a spaz in social situations. They show all traits of an extremely bright but also very underdeveloped individual.

D.O.G. in a classroom: Dude I think I'm gonna go to college and get my AA degree or something. But then I'll want to work a good job too, I mean I don't want to flip burgers or anything like that. Maybe then I'll meet a nice girl with cute boobs and butt and go out with her and once I make enough money we'll be able to go on expensive dates and then we'll get married and have lots of babies. Hurray!

Other students: Okay whatever... (sigh)

P.E. teacher: Alright maggot give me 10 push ups

D.O.G.: But sir my arms hurt


by Balfdor August 11, 2006

36πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


The ultimate superhero, one that manipulates his enemies' fear and uses stealth and intimidation and intellect to succeed, and does not need butthole Superman powers to survive.

A few reasons why Batman is better than Superman:

- Does not need dorky glasses to conceal his identity
- Does not need to struggle with women (i.e. Lois Lane) to gain their affections
- Heir to a powerful conglomerate
- Raised in a mediocre city called Gotham and not by corny farm folk in Smallville

by Balfdor July 8, 2006

143πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž


To stop the progress of a person or thing.

Halt, who goes there?

by Balfdor December 2, 2006

90πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


The result of a mindblowing or humiliating situation in which the victim is posed one question:

How do you like them apples!?

by Balfdor December 10, 2006

1774πŸ‘ 436πŸ‘Ž


Something a person will ask if you are when not paying attention.

What, are you blind? That's wet cement.

by Balfdor June 16, 2007

4πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


God's punishment for enjoying sex.

My Economics teacher: You know, the thing about teenagers is... they are God's punishment for enjoying sex.

(Classroom falls silent, students actually paying attention)

by Balfdor June 11, 2007

206πŸ‘ 91πŸ‘Ž