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A shy quiet girl that does her best to work hard. Has beautiful brown eyes and mostly overlooked sometimes. Doesn’t speak much unless you’re her best friend. Once you know her better than you can admit that she’s very crazy but very lovable. Has a hard time communicating because of her past and is still affected. Is very loyal and a great listener. She’ll tried to help you out in a situation. She gets emotional pretty quick and that could either be great or not depending on the situation. Either way she’s a great person to make friends with. People thinks she’s innocent but they haven’t see her yet. There’s not that much people anymore like her. Once you meet a Vanessa never let her go or you’ll regret it.

Friend #1: Yah! What did you say to Vanessa?!

Bf: We were just arguing about her love for BTS and she just got emotional about it

Friend #1: that’s how Vanessa is. She gets emotional about this things. They are like family to her

Bf: yeah which is why I bought her favorite candies and food cause I don’t want to lose her at all. It was very hard to have her because of things I’m tje past and I won. I don’t ever want to let her go

Friend #1: great now go before I have to do something

by BangtanGir March 28, 2018

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