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A person believing in basic amounts of equality for all individuals. Different variations hold different extremes, ranging from free government-provided basic medical, financial and educational services to complete redistribution of wealth.

Does not hate America, in fact, most see it as the greatest country on Earth. But rather than sit back, ignore the problems it still has and be happy the way it is, they look for ways to further improve life for all its people.

A common feature of socialists is the desire to focus on human issues (poverty, illness and education) rather than social issues (abortion, gay marriage, religion). This causes most neoconservatives to hate them with every beat of their cold, black hearts.

Socialist: So, you don't want to pay more taxes to fund care for everyone? Fine. Let's legalize marijuana, something we spend billions of dollars a year trying to get rid of while fighting a losing battle. We'll apply heavy taxes to its sale, similar to alcohol or cigarettes, with appropriate age restrictions for purchase and use. Nonviolent offenders will be freed, and most drug dealers will forced out of business. We'll take the tax money created there -- along with the billions spent quarterly on police and federal prisons -- to actually pump Social Security back to life and establish free clinics, and expand tuition assistance. The boost to the economy from an entirely new multi-billion dollar industry will allow job growth and provide millions of people to get new or better jobs.
Neoconservative: Why do you hate America?

by BeanSpleen June 5, 2007

278πŸ‘ 201πŸ‘Ž

lars ulrich

(1) Former great drummer, now too busy crying over filesharing to properly tune a goddamn snare.
(2) Sellout

(1) Did you hear St Anger?
Yeah, and it sucked ass -- when the fuck did Lars start playing steel drums?

(2) Dude, that band sold out big time. They're all a bunch of Lars Ulrichs now.

by BeanSpleen February 3, 2005

503πŸ‘ 334πŸ‘Ž


A word used to describe something great that has been replaced with something unbelievably shitty.

The Sega Dreamcast was the Clinton of consoles.

by BeanSpleen February 3, 2005

508πŸ‘ 450πŸ‘Ž


The solution to all your childcare needs.

Thanks to George W Bush's abstinence-only sex education, coathanger stocks have risen significantly.

by BeanSpleen February 3, 2005

192πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž

gonna get got

Ill white punk-rapper known for such classics as "Anal Thermometer", "My Pontiac" and "Spank Bank". AKA GGG, Trip G, Trip Jeezy, Tha Trippla, G to Tha Three, etc.

Gonna Get Got -- exploding your sister's hymen in a town near you!

by BeanSpleen May 30, 2007

69πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

Jellyfish Suprise

The act of, after engaging in sexual relations with an anonymous female, removing the condom and tucking it under a pillow or blanket for the next poor shmuck to find.

After I got off your sister, I gave her the old jellyfish suprise.

by BeanSpleen November 1, 2004

27πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Just to clarify for morons, .30-06 is not pronounced as 'thirty odd six', 'thirty ot six', or however the illiterate or uneducated believe. The correct way is 'thirty-ought-six', ought being zero. This way, you're actually pronouncing all the numbers in the designation.

"Hey, look at my thirty-odd-six!"

by BeanSpleen January 20, 2005

104πŸ‘ 193πŸ‘Ž