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A unit of measure used when one pours themselves a drink too big to be considered a large.

Stop pouring yourself an yashwir, we have limited stock.

by Bear91 November 21, 2019


prithivi means pure awesomeness.Also in Indian languages it mean the Earth.Alternate meaning light.

he was just too prithivi in that game.

by Bear91 November 23, 2010

playing fuck

A term used when one has a mission to fuck, this may just mean kiss, cheeky a finger, or the full shabang

This is often used by one if they are full of confidence, or just taking the piss, however it can often be asked in a question format to excite and rare on peers, a great question to ask when predrinking or getting ready for a night out

Tom - "Dan, are you playing fuck tonight"

Dan- " Mate of course i am playing tonight, even if i get a cheeky finger that's good enough for me."

Dan - "I do like a finger"

by Bear91 February 26, 2012

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